

» AviSynth is a powerful video FrameServer for Win32.

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AviSynth est un outil tr�s puissant pour la post-production. It provides almost unlimited ways of editing and processing videos. AviSynth fonctionne comme un frameserver, ceci permet une �dition instantan�e et tr�s rapide sans l�utilisation de fichiers temporaires.

AviSynth itself does not provide a graphical user interface (GUI) but instead relies on a script system that allows advanced non-linear editing. While this may at first seem tedious and unintuitive, it is remarkably powerful and is a very good way to manage projects in a precise, consistent, and reproducible manner. Because text-based scripts are human readable, projects are inherently self-documenting. The scripting language is simple yet powerful, and complex filters can be created from basic operations to develop a sophisticated palette of useful and unique effects.

Interes�? Sur ce site, vous pouvez en savoir plus au sujet d�AviSynth, consulter le manuel d�AviSynth, en conulter la FAQ AviSynth. Ou faire un petit saut sur la [page de t�l�chargement] chez SourceForge.

If you have only limited online time available you can [download a snapshot] of this site (the snapshot is generated manually, so it won't always be up-to-date!).

Tout sur les script

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Astuces & Guides


Random Musings


Bienvenue sur notre [Wiki]! This will hopefully evolve into a compendium of AviSynth tips, scripts, and a (brief) history. Since none of this is going to happen until someone gets the ball rolling, I'll give it a shot by creating a rudimentary index. Feel free to pitch in and help out! Ici vous trouverez le [r�sum� des commandes] pour travailler avec Wiki.

La dispostion du site est inspir� par [EasyTopicMaps] (avec permission).

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Document last modified Wed, 19 Jan 2005 06:54:19