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Tweak(clip clip [, float hue] [, float sat] [, float bright] [, float cont] [, bool coring] [, bool sse])

This function provides the means to adjust the hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast of a video clip.

hue (-180.0 to +180.0, default 0.0) is used to adjust the color hue of the image. Positive values shift the image towards red. Negative values shift it towards green.

sat (0.0 to 10.0, default 1.0) is used to adjust the color saturation of the image. Values above 1.0 increase the saturation. Values below 1.0 reduce the saturation. Use sat=0 to convert to Greyscale.

bright (-255.0 to 255.0, default 0.0) is used to change the brightness of the image. Positive values increase the brightness. Negative values decrease the brightness.

cont (0.0 to 10.0, default 1.0) is used to change the contrast of the image. Values above 1.0 increase the contrast. Values below 1.0 decrease the contrast.

coring = true/false (optional; true by default, which reflects the behaviour in older versions). When set to true, the luma (Y) is clipped to [16,235]; when set to false, the luma is left untouched. [Added in v2.53].

sse = true/false (optional; false by default) re-enables the SSE code if required (perhaps an AMD might run it faster). [Added in v2.56.]


v2.56 added sse=true/false to enable sse code

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Document last modified Fri, 21 Jan 2005 18:31:14