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recompiled YUY2 Version by Donald Graft available under









SmoothDeinterlace(tff=true, doublerate=true)

Parameters (liberally stolen from Gunnar's description):

lacethresh = (integer; default = 24) Controls the detection of interlace patterns. Lower values deinterlace more.

edgethresh = (integer; default = 20) It's difficult to distinguish between interlace lines and real edges (which should not be deinterlaced). This value controls this decision. Higher value leaves more edges intact.

staticthresh = (integer; default = 35) The filter tries to detect static areas to avoid deinterlacing fine details which could result in flickering. This value controls how much a pixel can vary and still be called static. Use the lowest value as possible to avoid leaving interlace patterns. Values above 50 (or so) are not recommended. Good quality video can use lower values. If you don't have any text or logos that may flicker I suggest using very low values. 0 makes it work like version 1.0 of the VirtualDub plugin.

staticavg = (integer; default = 80) Controls how long the history is when determining if areas are static or not. Low values (short history) find static items quckily (but may be incorrect, leaving interlace patterns). High values mean static details may flicker for a longer time before stabilizing. Also, it can be slower to react when areas go from static to non-static. Valid range is 0-100. A good rule is to set static averaging >= 2 * static threshold, or higher (but don't get too close to 100).

tff = (boolean; default = polarity of input stream) Indicates whether the top field occurred first in time. DV is normally bottom field first (tff=false), while (interlaced) DVD is normally top field first (tff=true).

doublerate = (boolean; default = false) Determines whether the output is to be at double the input frame rate (the field rate) or the same. Which one you want will depend on your intended use.

blend = (boolean; default = false) Blends this and previous field in interlaced areas. (You should probably avoid using this as it just blurs the video.)

showlace = (boolean; default = false) Areas are colored differently to help you find suitable parameter values.

'Red' - Deinterlaced areas

'Blue' - Non-static areas that would be deinterlaced if interlace patterns were found

'Green' - Static areas that do contain interlace patterns but are still left untouched

'Grey' - Static areas without interlace patterns

log = (boolean; default = false) The frames that have an interlaced area exceeding the given number of percent (logpercent) are logged to a file which will be placed in the current directory. It's called "DeinterlaceSmooth?.log" and contains frame numbers and the interlaced area (in %) for each frame.

logpercent = (floating point number; default = 0.0) See log above.

logfile = (string; default = "DeinterlaceSmooth?.log") Used to specify a name for the log file.

Gunnar Thalin's Smooth Deinterlace plugin for VirtualDub:


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Document last modified Tue, 11 Jan 2005 14:46:29