

» AviSynth is a powerful video FrameServer for Win32.

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Exporting a single image

This will automatically export frame 999 to c:\temp. The file will be named "inputvideo-" followed by the framenumber.

name = "inputvideo"
exportpath = chr(34)+"c:\temp\"+ name + "-"+chr(34)
AVISource("D:\video\" + name + ".avi")

imagenum = 999
global runme = "(current_frame == "+ string(imagenum) +") ? ImageWriter(converttorgb24(), "+exportpath+","+ string(imagenum)+","+string(imagenum+1)+", "+chr(34)+ "bmp"+chr(34)+").RGBDifferenceFromPrevious() :Nop()"
frameevaluate(runme, show=false)

This will automatically export the last frame to c:\temp. The file will be named "inputvideo-" followed by the framenumber.

name = "inputvideo"
exportpath = chr(34)+"c:\temp\"+ name + "-"+chr(34)
AVISource("D:\video\" + name + ".avi")

imagenum = framecount(last)-1
global runme = "(current_frame == "+ string(imagenum) +") ? ImageWriter(converttorgb24(), "+exportpath+","+ string(imagenum)+","+string(imagenum+1)+", "+chr(34)+ "bmp"+chr(34)+").RGBDifferenceFromPrevious() :Nop()"
frameevaluate(runme, show=false)

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Document last modified Thu, 26 Aug 2004 06:14:57