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virtual AVSValue Invoke(const char* name, const AVSValue args, const char** arg_names=0); 

You can use this to call a script function. There are many script functions which can be useful from other filters; for example, the Bob filter uses SeparateFields, and several source filters use UnalignedSplice. Some functions, like Weave, are implemented entirely in terms of other functions.

If you're calling a function taking exactly one argument, you can simply pass it in the args parameter; Invoke will convert it into an array for you. In order to call a function taking multiple arguments, you will need to create the array yourself; it can be done like this:

AVSValue args[5] = { clip, 0, true, 4.7, "my hovercraft is full of eels" }; 
env->Invoke("Frob", AVSValue(args, 5)); 

In this case Frob would need to have a parameter-type string like "cibfs" or "cfbfs" or "cf.*".

The arg_names parameter can be used to specify named arguments. Named arguments can also be given positionally, if you prefer.

Invoke throws IScriptEnvironment :: NotFound if it can't find a matching function prototype. You should be prepared to catch this unless you know that the function exists and will accept the given arguments.

A few examples (grabbed from MipSmooth - it uses invoke a lot):

  try {
      AVSValue args[1] = { child }; 
      PClip reduced = env->Invoke("Reduceby2",AVSValue(args,1)).AsClip(); 
  } catch (IScriptEnvironment::NotFound) {
      env->ThrowError("MyFilterError: Whoa! Could not Invoke reduce!");

This piece of code calls ReduceBy2(child), and places the result in reduced. If you need the videoinfo (for whatever reason), you can get by requesting:

      VideoInfo reduced_vi = reduced->GetVideoInfo();

Another example (using a resizer)

  try {
      AVSValue up_args[3] = { child, 384, 288 }; 
      PClip resized = env->Invoke(upsizerString, AVSValue(up_args,3)).AsClip();
  } catch (IScriptEnvironment::NotFound) {
      env->ThrowError("MyFilterError: Whoa! Could not Invoke the resizer!");

In general, avoid invoking "Invoke" as much as possible. If it can be avoided, try not to do it every frame, but do it in the constructor, if the filter parameters doesn't change. Invoking on every frame usually brings down the speed of the filter to a fraction of a static filter, at it has to be created and destroyed every frame.

Caching frames from Invoked filters

env->Invoke does not automatically insert a cache after the filter you invoke. That means that each time you request a frame (using GetFrame) from the invoked filter the filter will need to generate the frame. This is not a problem if your filter only requests one unique frame per frame it generates.

If your filter however needs both the previous, the current and the next frame to generate the current frame, the invoked filter will get called three (3) times per frame you return.

It really only needs to be invoked to create the next frame (as the current and previous frame can be reused).

To avoid this scenario, the internal cache filter has been exposed from AviSynth 2.5.3, and is available to plugin writers.

To insert a invoke the cache, invoke it like this:

  // We are assuming your invoked filter to be placed in "PClip resized" as above.
  try {
      AVSValue up_args[1] = { resized }; 
      resized = env->Invoke("InternalCache", AVSValue(up_args,1)).AsClip();
  } catch (IScriptEnvironment::NotFound) {
     // If the AviSynth version is too low, and the internal cache isn't exposed, we just ignore this situation.

You can also set cache hints. In the scenario above, where we need one frame prior and one frame after the current one, use:


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Document last modified Wed, 25 Aug 2004 01:32:06