

» AviSynth is a powerful video FrameServer for Win32.

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» AboutAviSynth




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AvisynthEditor is an advanced Avisynth script editor

It can be found @ http://www.lalternative.org

The current (0.4) feature list:

* Syntax highlighting
* Definition files per avisynth versions (stored under AvisynthEditor\def\avisynth 2.x.x)
* Internal (F5) and External (F6) preview
* Internal preview frame step using arrow keys
* CTRL+SPACE script sense (Use TAB to select method)
* Classes/Methods Treeview
* Edit/Search options
* Import/Export scripts
* Detected avisynth.dll version displayed in statusbar
* .def files replaced with DVX .xml files (great work Dolemite!)
* 'Save As' bug should be fixed
* Comment/Uncomment block (need some fixes)
* Recent files
* Filter description/help window
* Filter Treeview modes: Plugins and Categories
* commandline args:
-i: input filename
-ot: opener title (for external call)
-oh: opener text handle (use Spy++ to test)
"C:\Program files\AvisynthEditor\AvisynthEditor.exe" -i "C:\tmp\script.avs" -ot "Notepad" -oh 001059C
-> Start AvisynthEditor, edit script then click "Back to Notepad".
* Filters GUI w/script generation:
Crop: manual crop | autocrop
Trim: set selection start/Stop
Resize: 1:1 | 1:33(4:3) | 1:66 | 1:77 | 1:85 | 2:35 | Free w/keep AR
* Bitrate Calculator
* Optional RGB Preview

Here is a screenshot:


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Document last modified Fri, 08 Aug 2003 03:38:15